30-Day Mastermind

"Abundance Is Your Birthright"

The 2024
She Prospers 30 Day Mastermind
Sept 8th- Sept 29th
Ever Sunday 7:00 PM (ET)

The VIP option is only open to only 5 people.

( first come first serve)

This is additional private Coaching time where I walk you through My Abundant Self Identity Shifting Concept. It will begin the 2nd week of the Master mind and last the reminder of the three weeks of the Mastermind. After our normal Live Weekly group Coaching session with everyone, VIP will go to a private virtual space for additional personalized Caching!

This is a non-refundable opportunity. There are also digital components as well that access is given to immediately.

At each new level of desire, there is resistance.

It's built in.

You learning to become a match for your desires at each new level is what calls in your desires with greater ease.

This is not about waiting for circumstances to change. It's about you changing within. Then the circumstances have no choice but to come into alignment!

Are you ready for more ?
Want to attract , more money, greater relationships, better experiences, greater levels of well being
.... With More Ease?

You're in the right place!

Your mind is the wealthiest tool God has gifted you with.

It's the super tool to tap into abundance.

When you learn to align fully, mentally and emotionally, with what you truly desire you obtain the power to change your entire life.

"She Prospers" is a powerful, life changing 30-Day Mastermind that shows you how to accomplish your desires with greater ease and FLOW by learning how to think, shift your energy and change your paradigm.

It's an activation of your natural God-given ability to prosper and be in health.(John 3:2)

I share behind the scenes in-depth insights into my process of manifesting and experiencing harmony and abundance in my life. I share principles I teach my clients to use that create more in their life, relationships, business, and money!

Many of my clients have reached their 6 figure+ mark by working less and earning more by shifting their thinking.

The energy is bananas when you are in a community of people who are expanding, learning, and on one accord!

High Vibrations.

We are manifesting and having fun while doing it!

When Does The Mastermind it Start?

As A Bonus you receive 30 days of daily activations sent to your email daily that begins the day you sign up before the 30 Day session begins.

Live Coaching sessions are on Sundays at 7:00PM (ET)/5:00 CT (Replays are available)

Live Coaching Begins:

The first live Coaching session begins

Sept 8th- Sept 29th
Ever Sunday 7:00 PM (ET)

What will I learn?

~Learn to release and activate the principles and laws that set the course for more abundance in your life.

~Learn to uncover limiting beliefs and replace them with higher more abundant ones.

~Learn to step fully into your feminine energy inorder to allow more abundance into your life.

~Learn in depth mindset principles to create more abundance in your life and business!

This is all about mindset and attracting what you truly desire in every area of your life. Money, relationships, opportunities...with greater ease!

Meet Your
"She Prospers Coach"
Tanya Wilson
The Growth Strategist
Master Life and Business Coach

Although there are Live Components in the Coaching Sessions there are also digital components as well that access is given to immediately.

  • No income claims or promises are being made from this Mastermind. All results are individually based. Although we have had personal success stories it is based on the individual and their personal efforts and unique circumstances.